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    Uplifting Trance Sessions with DJ Phalanx (Trance Podcast)

    Uplifting Trance Sessions EP. 669 ? with DJ Phalanx (Trance Podcast)

    12. November 2023

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    Hey Trancefamily, what's up! Welcome to Uplifting Trance Sessions Episode 669. I'm your host, DJ Phalanx, and huge thanks for hanging out with me tonight.

    This episode is all about bringing you the latest and greatest trance vibes, with fresh tracks from some amazing artists like Talla 2XLC, BiXX & Ana Criado, Lostly, James Dust, Enigma State, and many more.

    Kicking things off with a banger, we've got Max Smith with "Another Day."

    For the full tracklist, make sure to hit up https://uts.djphalanx.com/. Get ready for an epic journey through the world of uplifting trance music!

    Ant Now let the music speak! ??

    [0:00] 1. Intro
    [0:50] 2. Max Smith - Another Day [High Contrast Recordings]
    [5:55] 3. Talla 2XLC - Black Hill [Technoclub Retro]
    [11:29] 4. Gayax - Until The End [Lethal Frequency]
    [16:01] 5. Klaus Kaz & ARJA - Forgive [Nocturnal Knights]
    [21:43] 6. CO1N & Darkingz - Mermaid's Tears (Kvaii Remix) [Aerodynamica]
    [26:31] 7. Enigma State - Lunar's Theme [Enigma State Music]
    [32:17] 8. Lostly - Sawubona [Pure Trance NEON]
    [36:10] 9. BiXX & Ana Criado - I Belong [Amsterdam Trance]
    [42:51] 10. Damian Wasse - Serpentine [2Rock Recordings]
    [46:44] 11. Daniele Filaretti - Crash Report [Think Trance]
    [50:38] 12. Caolan McConville - Urban Angel [Extrema Global Music]
    [54:43] 13. James Dust - Falling In Love [State Control Records]

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