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    Uplifting Trance Sessions with DJ Phalanx (Trance Podcast)

    Uplifting Trance Sessions EP. 674 with DJ Phalanx ? (Trance Podcast)

    17. Dezember 2023

    Nächste Episode
    Official Uplifting Trance Sessions Spotify Playlist: spoti.fi/3jyMmX0

    Hey dear trance friends, guten Abend & good evening to Uplifting Trance Sessions EP. 674.
    I'm stoked to have you as my listeners. This week, we've got a lineup packed with incredible sounds from Fischer & Mierhig, BK, Mario Moon & Dace AirmaX, Adam Ellis, Robert Nickson, and many more.
    Kicking things off with the first track, Rino da Silva - Moments. For all the tracklists, check out djphalanx.com.
    And now let the music speak!

    [0:00] 1. Intro
    [0:43] 2. Rino da Silva - Moments [State Soundscapes]
    [5:02] 3. Silva City - Hector [Armada Music]
    [10:51] 4. Fischer & Miethig and Rezwan Khan - Dreams Of Daylight [ZYX]
    [16:24] 5. DJ Spaceman & Sunryz - Under Control [Think Trance]
    [20:21] 6. BK - You Are The Master [Who's Afraid Of 138?!]
    [24:28] 7. Mario Moon & Dave AirmaX - Butterflies [One Forty]
    [29:16] 8. Harshil Kamdar feat. Jordan Grace - Love Again [Amsterdam Trance]
    [33:17] 9. Adam Ellis vs. Derek Ryan - Kagura [AVA White]
    [37:30] 10. Gareth Emery feat. Sarah De Warren - Vertigo (Robert Nickson Remix) [WE'LL BE OK]
    [41:53] 11. Christophe Quinlivan-Hunt - Code of Conduct [Future Force]
    [46:01] 12. PITTARIUS CODE - Reality [Entrancing]
    [51:20] 13. Kenny Palmer - Hammerfall [Trancessential]

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