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    Uplifting Trance Sessions with DJ Phalanx (Trance Podcast)

    Uplifting Trance Sessions EP. 679 with DJ Phalanx ? (Trance Podcast)

    21. Januar 2024

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    ? Follow my Trancw Playlist on Spotify: https://statecontrolrecords.com/spotify

    Hey there, awesome peeps! Welcome to Uplifting Trance Sessions 679. I hope you're doing fantastic. Let's dive into some fresh beats from the likes of Paul van Dyk, CJ Stone x Voodoo & Serano x Rocco, Alan Morris & Elixus, Talla 2XLC, Airwalk3r, Alexander de Roy & Hidden Tigres, H.X.E., Fra.Gile, Alex Mazel, Ben van Gosh, C-Systems, Paul Denton, Rinaly, and many more. Kicking things off with Pinkque's "Ghost of You." For the full tracklist, check out djphalanx.com.
    And now let the music speak!

    [0:00] 1. Intro
    [0:49] 2. Pinkque - Ghost of You [Reason II Rise Music]
    [4:34] 3. Alexander de Roy & Hidden Tigress - Chasing The Sunrise [State Control Records] *World Premiere*
    [8:41] 4. h.x.e. & Alex Mazel feat. Fra.Gile - Beyond The Sun (Ben van Gosh Remix) [State Control Records] *World Premiere*
    [13:39] 5. Talla 2XLC & Airwalk3r ? My Best Decision [Future Sequence]
    [18:17] 6. C-Systems & Aina - Take Me Home [A State Of Trance]
    [22:00] 7. 4 Strings - Jewel 2.0 (Mike van Fabio Re-Lift) [Amsterdam Trance]
    [25:12] 8. Artena - Invictus [Activate Recordings]
    [30:40] 9. Chakra - I Am (Paul Denton Remix) [Armada Captivating]
    [35:48] 10. CJ Stone, Voodoo & Serano & Rocco ? Overload 2024 [You Love Dance]
    [39:49] 11. Natalie Gioia & Dan Thompson - Be In Love (Ryan K Remix) [Nocturnal Knights]
    [45:04] 12. Luminn & Roxanne Emery - In The Silence (Rinaly Remix) [AVA]
    [48:17] 13. Alan Morris & Elixus - Impossible [Nocturnal Knights]
    [52:41] 14. Paul van Dyk, Saad Ayub & Elevation - Ouverture [VANDIT]
    [57:40] 15. Artento Divini & Hit The Bass - Rave The Future [Who's Afraid Of 138?!]

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