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    Uplifting Trance Sessions with DJ Phalanx (Trance Podcast)

    Uplifting Trance Sessions EP. 690 with DJ Phalanx ? (Trance Podcast)

    7. April 2024

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    Vote for your favorite track: https://statecontrolrecords.com/votes
    Follow me on Spotify: https://djphalanx.com/spotify
    YouTube Trance Playlist https://djphalanx.com/youtube
    All Tracklists: https://uts.djphalanx.com/

    Hey everyone, great to have you here! I'm DJ Phalanx, and I'm looking forward to spending the next 70 minutes with you. In Episode 690, we're taking a journey filled with beautiful melodies and pounding beats. I'm excited to play my new track, "Tranquility," in this show. You'll hear fresh music from Luke Terry, Paul van Dyk & Sue McLaren, BixX & Christopher Corrigan, Th3 One, and many more. For all tracklists, visit djphalanx.com.
    And now let the music speak!

    [0:00] 1. Intro
    [0:43] 2. Fast Distance - Bosphore [A State Of Trance]
    [4:50] 3. Luke Terry & Sarah Howells - I Wanted [Amsterdam Trance]
    [9:57] 4. TH3 ONE - 4 PM [Ablazing Records]
    [13:24] 5. Asier - Sunrise [Alter Ego]
    [17:58] 6. Paul van Dyk & Sue McLaren - Love Is Enough [VANDIT]
    [21:27] 7. James Dust feat. Zara Taylor - Still Not Over You [State Control Records]
    [26:06] 8. D72 & Clap Codex - Take Control [Armada Captivating]
    [29:58] 9. DJ Phalanx - Tranquility [State Control Records] *World Premiere*
    [33:55] 10. Escea - Memories (Ally's Legacy) [Beyond The Stars Reborn] *Uplift of The Week*
    [38:34] 11. KVAII - Sunshine [Reason II Rise]
    [44:06] 13. CANE & DAYWALKER, Ayda van Helden, Joyline Snow - Forget About the Past [Abora]
    [48:58] 13. Allan Berntz & U-G - Fly Again [Digital Society Recordings]
    [52:42] 14. Jon Mangan - Heartache [Extrema Global Music]
    [56:43] 15. Solar Vision - The Sound Of Missing You [Future Sequence]
    [1:01:49] 16. BiXX & Christopher Corrigan - Alignment [Reason II Rise]
    [1:06:23] 17. JamX & D.Mand - Unique [A State Of Trance]

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