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    Uplifting Trance Sessions with DJ Phalanx (Trance Podcast)

    Uplifting Trance Sessions EP. 693 with DJ Phalanx ? (Trance Podcast)

    28. April 2024

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    🔥 Vote for your favourite track: https://statecontrolrecords.com/votes/
    Follow me on Spotify: https://djphalanx.com/spotify
    YouTube Trance Playlist https://djphalanx.com/youtube
    All Tracklists: https://uts.djphalanx.com/

    Hey there, dear listeners, it's DJ Phalanx here. Welcome to Uplifting Trance Sessions 693. Spring has finally arrived for us, and I'm eager to see what this season brings. In this episode, you'll be treated to fresh music from Sam Laxton, Alex M.O.R.P.H., BixX, Artento Divini, Ed-SUNday, Ex-Driver, Crisy, and many more. Let's kick things off with Skyvol's 'H Mission.' For all tracklists, visit djpjhalanx.com.
    And now let the music speak!

    [0:00] 1. Intro
    [0:44] 2. Skyvol - H Mission [Easteria]
    [5:29] 3. Asteroid - Memories [Deep Space | Music]
    [10:18] 4. Woody van Eyden & Rene Ablaze - All My Life (Sam Laxton Remix) [Ablazing]
    [14:39] 5. Crisy - Lost Memory [Digital Society]
    [19:40] 6. Diabllo - Step By Step [High Contrast]
    [24:05] 7. KIMI SIMON - Omnia In Bonum [State Control Records] *Fan Vote Winner*
    [29:07] 8. Alex M.O.R.P.H. - Arcadia [FSOE]
    [33:45] 9. BiXX - Another Door Opens [Nocturnal Knights]
    [39:35] 10. ED-SUNday - Crystal Spindrift [State Control Records] *World Premiere*
    [44:37] 11. Alex Kunnari & Jennifer Rene - Always Be My Friend (AK Statement Remix) [Magik Muzik]
    [49:18] 12. Ex-Driver & Sound-X-Monster - Different Reality [Extrema]
    [54:38] 13. TGisiMtao & Colder IX - Supersonic Flight [Edge One]
    [59:54] 14. Allan Berndtz & N-sKing - Chaos Reigns [Aerodynamica]
    [1:05:10] 15. Artena & Maria Nayler - After The Rain [Amsterdam Trance]
    [1:10:25] 16. BreaKevin feat. Kalinda - Run and Hide [REVERIE]
    [1:15:06] 17. Artento Divini x Melvin Warning pres. Divini & Warning - Bring That Beat Back [Armind]

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