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    Uplifting Trance Sessions with DJ Phalanx (Trance Podcast)

    Uplifting Trance Sessions EP. 697 with DJ Phalanx ? (Trance Podcast)

    26. Mai 2024

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    ? Podcast Stream Links: https://djphalanx.com/uts-podlinks/
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    All Tracklists: https://uts.djphalanx.com/

    Hey everyone, the week is finally over and I can indulge in my passion:
    bringing you the best and latest trance music updates.
    On Uplifting Trance Sessions 697, you can expect new music from David Forbes, RIXSON, Escea, Andy Kay & EMULE, Rene Ablaze, Eryon Stocker,
    DJ T.H. x Th3 One x Sue McLaren, Calvin O'Commor, Abstract Vision, and many more. Let's kick things off with Kohta Imafuku - "Paradiso."
    For all tracklists, visit djphalanx.com.
    And now let the music speak!

    [0:00] 1. Intro
    [0:44] 2. Kohta Imafuku - Paradiso [Extrema Global Music]
    [5:39] 3. Abstract Vision & Victor F. - Fly Away [Ablazing]
    [9:35] 4. Calvin O'Commor - Planet Of Love [COC Music]
    [14:37] 5. Rene Ablaze & Waves on Waves - Twilight [Nocturnal Knights Fusion]
    [18:29] 6. Hypersia & Tiff Lacey - The Rapture [Amsterdam Trance]
    [23:30] 7. Andy Kay & EMULE - Luminary Waves [Aerodynamica]
    [28:04] 8. Christian Westerhof - Rhythm of the Universe [Time Fusion]
    [33:50] 9. David Forbes - Daytona [Who's Afraid Of 138?!]
    [37:13] 10. RIXSON - Life [State Control Records] *World Premiere*
    [42:01] 11. Escea - Chasing Dreams [State Control Records] *World Premiere*
    [46:49] 12. U-G - Euphoria [Activate]
    [51:20] 13. DJ T.H. x TH3 ONE x Sue McLaren - Everything To Me [VANDIT]
    [56:36] 14. Eryon Stocker - Nuwanda [Nocturnal Knights]
    [1:01:30] 15. ZQRM - The Glitch [Edge One]
    [1:05:08] 16. DJ Phalanx - Alpha Centauri (Calvin O'Commor Remix) [State Control Records]

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