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    Uplifting Trance Sessions with DJ Phalanx (Trance Podcast)

    Uplifting Trance Sessions EP. 698 with DJ Phalanx ? (Trance Podcast)

    2. Juni 2024

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    My Spotify Top 1.000+ Trance Hits: https://djphalanx.com/Spotify-Top-1000
    Follow me on Spotify (New Music): https://djphalanx.com/spotify
    YouTube Trance Playlist https://djphalanx.com/youtube
    All Tracklists: https://uts.djphalanx.com/

    It's that time again! I'm excited to bring you a new episode of Uplifting Trance Sessions. 
    Join me on this journey as I share fresh tracks from me and Myk Bee, C-Systems, Alex M.O.R.P.H. & Dark Fusion, 
    RIXSON, Allan Berndtz, Andy Cain, Ronski Speed, and many more. 
    Let's kick things off with 4 Strings - "Remover 2.0" (DJ Quiz & Matt Bukovski Remix). 
    For all tracklists, visit djphalanx.com.
    And now let the music speak!

    [0:00] 1. Intro
    [0:43] 2. 4 Strings - Remover 2.0 (DJ Quiz & Matt Bukovski Remix) [Carlo Resoort Records]
    [4:00] 3. C-Systems - Voyager [A State Of Trance]
    [7:32] 4. Raz Nitzan & Neev Kennedy - Someone Else's Lover (Mhammed El Alami Uplifting Remix) [Amsterdam Trance]
    [11:32] 5. Alex M.O.R.P.H. & Dark Fusion - Skynet [VANDIT]
    [16:14] 6. Yelow & Susie Ledge - Solitaire [In Trance We Trust]
    [21:24] 7. Galen Behr vs. Hydroid - Carabella (Myk Bee Remix) [CD-R]
    [26:33] 8. DJ Phalanx & Myk Bee - Stars [State Control Records] *World Premiere*
    [31:40] 9. RIXSON - Life [State Control Records]
    [36:56] 10. Allan Berndtz - I Can't Be Stopped [Future Sequence]
    [41:02] 11. Andy Cain - Soul Generation [OHM Music]
    [45:49] 12. Marcel Woods - Lemon Tree (South Of The Stars Remix) [Be Yourself Music]
    [50:31] 13. Somna - Drawn To You (Ronski Speed & DJ T.H. pres. Sun Decade Remix) [AVA]
    [54:53] 14. Matty Ralph - Te Adoro [Armada Music]

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