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    Uplifting Trance Sessions with DJ Phalanx (Trance Podcast)

    Uplifting Trance Sessions EP. 703 with DJ Phalanx ? (Trance Podcast)

    7. Juli 2024

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    ? Podcast Stream Links: https://djphalanx.com/uts-podlinks/
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    Follow me on Spotify: https://djphalanx.com/spotify
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    All Tracklists: https://uts.djphalanx.com/

    Hello everyone, this is DJ Phalanx. I'm glad you found your way here, and a warm welcome to all new listeners as well.
    For the next 61 minutes, we?ll be travelling through wonderful hypnotic melodies and banging beats. I?ll be playing new tracks from Davey Asprey, David Forbes, Darren Porter, Paulo Almeida & LOKKA VOX, Mhammed El Alami, Ashley Wallbridge & C-Systems, and many more. We?ll start with smooth 128 BPM, and finish with a bang at 145 BPM. The first track is PARAFRAME - "Close To Me." For the full tracklist, visit djphalanx.com.
    And now let the music speak!

    [0:00] 1. Intro
    [0:55] 2. PARAFRAME - Close To Me [Black Hole]
    [5:07] 3. Davey Asprey - Shai-Hulud [Coldharbour]
    [8:55] 4. Paulo Almeida feat. LOKKA VOX - To The Stars [State Control Records] *World Premiere*
    [14:54] 5. AYDA - Stellar [Abora]
    [19:53] 6. Tycoos x Denis Airwave x Hardcode - Last Forever [2Rock Recordings]
    [23:36] 7. Mhammed El Alami & Hanna Finsen - Echoes [Amsterdam Trance]
    [28:01] 8. Ashley Wallbridge & C-Systems - Limitless [In Trance We Trust]
    [31:25] 9. David Forbes - Alcazar [Armind]
    [35:53] 10. Darren Porter & XiJaro & Pitch - Reach for the Stars [Dreamstate]
    [41:08] 11. Crisy - We Made I [Activate]
    [45:29] 12. Static State - Close to Me [State Soundscapes]
    [51:17] 13. Rene Ablaze, BiXX, Sharon Valerona - Building Bridges [Future Sequence]
    [56:04] 14. Ryan K & Sam Laxton - Head of Steam [Nocturnal Knights Fusion]

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