"100 Greatest R&B Songs

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    100 Greatest R&B Songs

    • 00:12:02

      He started his career on Sesame Street, and would later go on to sing Background 

      for some of the most influential Artist in the industry. They would include Quincy Jones, Roberta Flack,

      Barbara Streisand, David Bowie and many others. But still he could not get the attention of the American music industry as a Solo Artist.

      Then one day he received a telephone call from a French/Italian Music Producer…


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    • 00:08:05

      She married her manager at 14, and together they caught the attention of James Brown.

      After touring as a background singer for James, he decided to bring her into the studio to record a song that he had written.

      That Single would become the most Sampled female record in the history of Hip Hop


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    Music has become more and more a cultural heritage. R&B as a distinguished style has evolved onto the mainstream music field. We've collected the 100 Greatest R&B songs that have significance. And be sure that after you hear every single episode of this podcast, your listening experience will be so much more intense. For all the musiclovers out there we do this work out of love - because we love music ourselves. And please check out our other PODCAST.EINS Podcasts:https://podcast-eins.de/podcast-shows/podcast-eigenproduktion/ Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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