"100 Music legends

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    100 Music legends

    • 00:08:00

      How come that it took this little girl so long to write her own songs. Because the first time she did she hit big - very big! Listen to the story in our new episode!


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    • 00:08:48

      One of the most discussed songs - what do the lyrics mean - what is Don Henley trying to tell us. Hear the answers now in the new episode.


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    • 00:07:29

      This song is the song of the songs. According to a well-known singer, that's all you need to know about songwriting. So, find out everything now in our new episode


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    • 00:09:59

      The Theme story of a band - put together in one song. All the tragic, all the facts behind the heartbreaking story of that song in the new episode!


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    • It's actually a song about a taboo: the wife of your best friend. And when the Beatles are involved in the story, it becomes a worldwide drama. Listen to the whole story in the new episode!


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    • This is it: The swan song about a relationship and a band. What went wrong with this band that was at times as big as The Beatles? Listen to the episode to get the answer!


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    • 00:07:37

      There are a lot of legends about this song! We tried to sort out the truth - so listen to the story behind "In the air tonight"!


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    • 28 Sep 2019

      A Mixture between a rehearsal routine and a pissed off Ronnie van Zandt - that´s how the southeners do a chart topper!


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    • 00:08:31

      A Studio owner persuades Neil Young to do some recordings - that´s how a worldhit is done. Listen to the whole story!


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    • 00:09:44

      If we wouldn´t know better we would think, Fleetwood Mac was scripted by a soap opera author. The story behind this in the new episode!


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    Music becomes more and more a cultural heritage. Some songs seem almost as important as national monuments. Because everybody knows them, everybody can sing along but nobody knows the story behind all those songs. For that reason we have done a lot of research, found interesting bits and pieces and most of all stories behind the 100 most important songs. And be sure that after you hear every single episode of this podcast, your listening experience will be so much more intense. For all the musiclovers out there we do this work of love - because we love music ourselves. And please check out our other PODCAST.EINS Podcasts :https://podcast-eins.de/podcast-shows/podcast-eigenproduktion/ Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
    Bei dieser Podcast-Serie handelt es sich um einen externen Inhalt. Diese Podcast-Serie ist kein offizielles Produkt von meinmusikpodcast.de. Äußerungen der Gesprächspartner und Moderatoren geben deren eigene Auffassungen wieder. meinmusikpodcast.de macht sich Äußerungen von Gesprächspartnern in Interviews und Diskussionen nicht zu eigen.

    Teile diese Serie mit deinen Freunden.

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