"DJ JayRo In The Mix

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    DJ JayRo In The Mix

    • 7.
      Die nächste Folge ist mal wieder im Kasten, dieses Mal mit der Folge SIIIEBEN (In Zahl: 7!) . Dieses Mal wieder mit einem bestimmten Thema - und zwar einer meiner Lieblingsthemen: EUROVISION! Wohoo! Eine Stunde lang ESC Songs - einige im Originalen, andere in Remixen. Reinhören und Tanzen ist angesagt! Fragen. Anregungen. Kritik. Her damit! Facebook (facebook.com/jayrogermany), Instagram (@jayro.de) oder Mail: [email protected]

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    • 6.
      The most common german clubsounds in one mix - this is "DJ JayRo In The Mix". With EDM and remixes of popular songs out of the charts you'll get your full-energized mix of the month. For any inquiries just get in touch via Facebook, Instagram oder E-Mail. More infos needed? Check out www.JayRo.de

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    • Finally, DJ JayRo in the Mix is now not only monthly - I will mix now twice a month! On every 2nd Saturday you will get a new mix. One of them will be everytime an "Update"-Episode with all the new stuff what is going on in the charts and clubs. On the other mixshow I will mixing songs to a special topic. In the first Topic-Episode we are going back to the 2000s! From Britney over La Roux up to 3OH!3 - every song in it is a personal choice, which I have a connection to the Millenial-Decade. So enjoy it and have a lot of fun with it! If you want more informations or something else on your mind, feel free to contact me via Facebook, Instagram or Mail at [email protected]. See Ya!

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    • 4.
      The most common german clubsounds in one mix - this is "DJ JayRo In The Mix". With EDM and remixes of popular songs out of the charts you'll get your full-energized mix of the month. For any inquiries just get in touch via Facebook, Instagram oder E-Mail. More infos needed? Check out www.JayRo.de

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    • 3.
      The most common german clubsounds in one mix - this is "DJ JayRo In The Mix". With EDM and remixes of popular songs out of the charts you'll get your full-energized mix of the month. For any inquiries just get in touch via Facebook, Instagram oder E-Mail. More infos needed? Check out www.JayRo.de

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    • 2.
      The most common german clubsounds in one mix - this is "DJ JayRo In The Mix". With EDM and remixes of popular songs out of the charts you'll get your full-energized mix of the month. For any inquiries just get in touch via Facebook, Instagram oder E-Mail. More infos needed? Check out www.JayRo.de

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    • 1.
      The most common german clubsounds in one mix - this is "DJ JayRo In The Mix". With EDM and remixes of popular songs out of the charts you'll get your full-energized mix of the month. For any inquiries just get in touch via Facebook, Instagram oder E-Mail. More infos needed? Check out www.JayRo.de

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    Alle zwei Wochen samstags gibt es die DJ-Mixshow "In The Mix" von und mit mir DJ JayRo, in der immer ein musikalisches Thema pro Episode im Vordergrund steht. Sei es "Update" mit allen aktuellsten Hits aus den Charts oder auch speziellere Genres oder Themen wie "Millenium 2000er" oder "Happy Pride" - hier wird gemixt, was zusammen passt - bewusst oder unbewusst.

    Mehr Infos gibt es hier:


    Every 2nd Saturday I produce a mixshow with the most common pop, club and EDM sounds . The newest sounds, the coolest hits and the most popular songs are mixed together in a 45-60 minute show. Every bi-weekly saturday brandnew and always to a differnt topic ? from Millenium 2000s over ?Feeling Good? up to ?Happy Pride!?.

    More Informations:
    Bei dieser Podcast-Serie handelt es sich um einen externen Inhalt. Diese Podcast-Serie ist kein offizielles Produkt von meinmusikpodcast.de. Äußerungen unserer Gesprächspartner*innen und Moderator*innen geben deren eigene Auffassungen wieder. https://meinmusikpodcast.de macht sich Äußerungen seiner Gesprächspartner*innen in Interviews und Diskussionen nicht zu eigen.

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