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    Djtoto goes Funky Groove Vol 8 2024

    27. April 2024

    Nächste Episode
    It's that time again: **DJTOTO goes Funky House vol 8** is here and brings the finest funky house beats directly to your ears! This mix is ​​a tribute to unforgettable nights full of dance and energy.

    **Louis Feen** kicks things off with 'She Is The Master (Extended Mix)', a track that will immediately captivate you with its groovy bass and catchy melodies. Then it continues with a classic in a new look: **Billy Ocean - Nights (Raw-Artes Edit)**. This edit brings a breath of fresh air to the timeless hit and revives the disco era.

    With **Da Lukas, Walterino, Freak Power - Hey California (Dub Mix)** we travel to the west coast and feel the casual vibes of California. The Dub Mix gives the track an extra portion of coolness that you shouldn't miss.

    Finally, there's a special treat: **Derrick McKenzie, Angela Johnson - On My Way Out (Instrumental Mix)**. This instrumental track relaxes the soul and rounds off the mix with a relaxed note.

    Prepare yourself for a journey through the Funky House that invites you to dance, dream and enjoy. DJTOTO has once again spared no effort to present you the crème de la crème of Funky House.

    Let's dive into the world of Funky House together and turn night into day!

    Your DJTOTO

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