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    Uplifting Trance Sessions with DJ Phalanx (Trance Podcast)

    DJ Phalanx – Uplifting Trance Sessions EP. 478 [08.03.2020]

    8. März 2020

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    ? Welcome to Uplifting Trance Sessions EP. 478. I invite you to listen to my new mix with great music from Syntouch, Calvin O'Commor, Ben Ashley Feat. Natalie Dime, Dirkie Coetzee, Richard Tanselli and many more! Join the show and enjoy the trip ?

    [0:00] 1. Dirkie Coetzee - Melody [Flashover]
    [4:23] 2. Syntouch & Abide - In My Dreams [Butterfly Music]
    [8:20] 3. Miles I.D - Forever In My Heart [State Control Records] -World Premiere-
    [13:05] 4. Franco Scaravaglione - Clash In The Clouds [Phoenix Recordings]
    [17:29] 5. Sector7 & Niko Zografos - Efforia [Pure Trance NEON]
    [21:36] 6. Ross Cairns - Fire (Tycoos Remix) [Sub.Mission Recordings]
    [25:35] 7. Ben Ashley Feat. Natalie Dime - Happiness [State Control Records] -World Premiere / Uplift Of The Week-
    [30:05] 8. Shedona - Infusions [Infrasonic Pure]
    [34:05] 9. N-sKing - Dominant [Interflow Uplifting]
    [38:55] 10. Tecnosine - Why Did You [CD-R]
    [43:28] 11. Erik Hakansson - For You [Joyride Music]
    [48:02] 12. Calvin O'Commor - Ambre [State Control Records]
    [52:40] 13. Peter Berry & Paul Docker - Salvation (Richard Tanselli Remix) [Metamorph Seismic]

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