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    Uplifting Trance Sessions with DJ Phalanx (Trance Podcast)

    DJ Phalanx – Uplifting Trance Sessions EP. 479 [15.03.2020]

    15. März 2020

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    ? Hello dear listeners, this is Uplifting Trance Sessions EP. 479.
    You will hear a lot of exclusive trance music from around the globe.
    Tune in and enjoy the trip ?

    [0:00] 1. Syntouch pres. Sunsliderz - Sunrise [Butterfly Music]
    [6:06] 2. Mart Sine & Natalie Gioia - It's Your Life (Paul Boyle Remix) [Uplift Recordings]
    [10:49] 3. Tribal Temptation - Sense Of Life [Extrema Global Music]
    [15:27] 4. Ben Ashley Feat. Natalie Dime - Happiness [State Control Records]
    [20:27] 5. Nitrous Oxide - First Aid [Amsterdam Trance Records]
    [26:57] 6. Last Soldier - To The Future [LAST STATE Records]
    [30:40] 7. Last Soldier - Real Identity [Electro Beat Records]
    [34:50] 8. Craig Connelly & Factor B - Tranceatlantic [FSOE]
    [40:53] 9. Cyril Ryaz & FloE - Reality [Entrancing Music]
    [45:16] 10. Golax - Over The Horizon [State Control Records] -World Premiere / Uplift Of The Week-
    [48:40] 11. Steve Allen & Patrick Dreama - The Remedy (Alan Morris Remix) [Uplift Recordings]
    [52:35] 12. Matthew Duncan - Asura [State Control Records] -World Premiere-
    [56:45] 13. Jordan Suckley - Hold Me [Pure Trance Neon]
    [1:01:37] 14. Amir Reza & Perfectmotion - Flying Soul [LAST STATE Records]
    [1:06:29] 15. Sector7 & Niko Zografos - Efforia [Pure Trance NEON]
    [1:10:37] 16. Alternate High - Yggdrasil [Nrgized Audio]
    [1:16:12] 17. Kaimo K - Borderline [Amsterdam Trance Records]
    [1:20:44] 18. Will Atkinson - Telescope [VII]

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