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    Uplifting Trance Sessions with DJ Phalanx (Trance Podcast)

    DJ Phalanx – Uplifting Trance Sessions EP. 516

    17. Dezember 2020

    Nächste Episode
    ? Hello dear listeners, this is Uplifting Trance Sessions EP. 516. Thanks very much for tuning in. You will hear my new track Sykfall [Out 4th December 2020] and a lot of more fantastic music. Join the show and enjoy the trip ?

    [0:00] 1. Denis Airwave ? Lost At Sea [2Rock Recordings]
    [5:59] 2. Johan Gielen & Marco V ? Timeless [Perfecto]
    [10:35] 3. New World ? Be Here Now [Abora Recordings]
    [15:13] 4. Above & Beyond feat. Zoe Johnston ? Reverie (Yelow Uplifting Bootleg) [CD-R]
    [20:33] 5. Corrado Baggieri ? Moments Of Life [State Control Records] -World Premiere-
    [25:39] 6. Susana ? Dark Side of The Moon (Ferry Tayle Remix) [Amsterdam Trance Records]
    [31:40] 7. Marc Ward ? Syrinx [Beyond The Stars Recordings]
    [35:48] 8. Robert Costin ? Fearless [Trance All-Stars Records]
    [41:03] 9. DJ Phalanx ? Skyfall [State Control Records] -Uplift Of The Week-
    [47:19] 10. Armin van Buuren feat. Jake Reese ? Need You Now (Allen Watts Remix) [Armind]
    [51:19] 11. Tempo Giusto ? The Oasis [Who?s Afraid Of 138?!]
    [55:38] 12. Kenny Palmer ? Terokkar [Uplift Recordings]
    [1:00:05] 13. Christopher Corrigan ? Erasable [Entrancing Music]
    [1:05:00] 14. Tau-Rine ? Theseus [Extrema Global Music]
    [1:10:20] 15. Awii ? Turn Up The Bass [Suanda Dark]

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