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    Uplifting Trance Sessions with DJ Phalanx (Trance Podcast)

    DJ Phalanx – Uplifting Trance Sessions EP. 537 [02.05.2021]

    2. Mai 2021

    Nächste Episode
    Hello dear trance nation. I am back after fighting my with hardware ?
    At this brandnew epsiode I will play my latest collab with my friend Myk Bee.
    Shine is a track with atmospheric and hypnotizing trance leads. I hope you like it ?

    [0:00] 1. Paul A. Pele - Lost [Eximinds Airlines]
    [5:22] 2. Shedona - Creations [State Control Essentials]
    [9:52] 3. ReOrder feat. EKE - Let You Go [A State Of Trance]
    [14:04] 4. Benjamin Duchenne - Closer [Flashover Recordings]
    [18:35] 5. Manuel Rocca - Caribe (Exolight Remix) [Levitated Music]
    [22:49] 6. Rich Triphonic - Exhale [State Control Records]
    [26:59] 7. Hays - Rising Star [Uplift Recordings]
    [32:05] 8. Ben Gold & Allen Watts - Change The World [Who's Afraid Of 138?!]
    [37:11] 9. Forza:Duo - One Night In Lyon [Kinected Recordings]
    [41:57] 10. DJ Phalanx & Myk Bee - Shine [State Control Records] -World Premiere / Uplift Of The Week-
    [47:47] 11. Tempo Giusto - In Another Life [Who's Afraid Of 138?!]
    [53:07] 12. Axel Walters - Base Rock [Suanda Dark]

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