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    Uplifting Trance Sessions with DJ Phalanx (Trance Podcast)

    DJ Phalanx – Uplifting Trance Sessions EP. 545 [27.06.2021]

    27. Juni 2021

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    Hello dear #TranceFamily. welcome to Uplifting Trance Sessions EP. 545 with my brandnew track Rise [Out 2nd July 2021], with State Control Records' new promos and, of course, the best and latest in trance, uplifting trance and tech trance. Join the show and enjoy the trip ?

    [0:00] 1. Modern Veterans - When I Close My Eyes (Spark & Shade Remix) [Audio Treatment]
    [5:14] 2. BarWall - Galactika [2Rock Recordings]
    [10:05] 3. Alex Byrka & Anton van Sprundel - Heaven Can Wait [Infrasonic Pure]
    [14:03] 4. Kaimo K & Jo Cartwright - Love Beyond The Pale [Amsterdam Trance]
    [19:59] 5. Dj Panda - Tensing [State Control Records] -World Premier-
    [24:38] 6. Lee McNeill - Fable [Discover Records]
    [29:26] 7. N-sKing - Hope For Escape [Digital Euphoria Recordings]
    [34:28] 8. Adam Frame - Autumn Leave (Tales Of Elevation Remix) [State Soundscapes] -World Premier-
    [38:52] 9. Jimmy Chou - Skyward [Alter Ego Records]
    [43:05] 10. Giuseppe Ottaviani & Cari - Beautiful [Armind]
    [47:43] 11. DJ Phalanx - Rise [State Control Records] -Uplift Of The Week-
    [52:22] 12. Peter Miethig - Skyline [Ablazing Records]
    [56:59] 13. Alex Prima - Synchronicity [State Vision] -World Premier-

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