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    Uplifting Trance Sessions with DJ Phalanx

    DJ Phalanx – Uplifting Trance Sessions EP. 553 [22.08.2021]

    22. August 2021

    Nächste Episode
    Dear #TranceFamily, welcome to Uplifting Trance Sessions EP. 553.
    You will hear new music from State Control & State Vision in the mix with the latest in Trance. Join the show and enjoy the trip ?

    [0:00] 1. Intro
    [1:32] 2. James Dust & Alternate High - A Blissful Moment [Extrema Global Music]
    [5:20] 3. Woody van Eyden & Cheryl Barnes - Salty Skin [HeavensGate]
    [10:31] 4. Alex BELIEVE & Spectorsonic - Atlantica (Dan Schneider Remix) [Emergent Skies]
    [14:27] 5. Kayan Code & Miikka Leinonen - Kill Switch [State Control Records]
    [19:05] 6. Maksim Vashenko - Fire [State Vision] -World Premiere-
    [23:30] 7. Mark Sixma presents M6 & ReOrder - Crash [Who's Afraid Of 138?!]
    [27:16] 8. ReOrder & Katty Heath - Meteorite (James de Torres Remix) [Amsterdam Trance]
    [31:00] 9. Adip Kiyoi & Roxanne Emery - Embers (Steve Dekay Remix) [Suanda Music]
    [35:14] 10. Midnight Evolution - The Unborn [State Control Records] -World Premiere / Uplift Of The Week-
    [39:11] 11. Susana & Raz Nitzan - Fall Into Trust [Amsterdam Trance]
    [44:31] 12. Allen Watts & Kinetica - Vertigo [Who's Afraid Of 138?!]
    [50:08] 13. Kita-Kei - Morphosis [Tangled Audio]
    [54:42] 14. Rj Van xetten - Reset [Kinected Recordings]

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