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    Uplifting Trance Sessions with DJ Phalanx (Trance Podcast)

    DJ Phalanx – Uplifting Trance Sessions EP. 590

    8. Mai 2022

    Nächste Episode
    Welcome to Uplifting Trance Sessions EP. 590.
    So many good melodies at this episode. You will join the Trance heaven with new music by Temple One,
    Miika L, Steve Dekay, Dan Stone, Craig Connoly & Paul Denton, Kayan Code & Lyd14, Ciaran McAuley and many more.
    For all tracklists download my official App or visit djphalanx.com
    And now let the music speak. 📢

    [0:00] 1. Intro
    [1:33] 2. Equinøx - Tear Apart [High Contrast Recordings]
    [5:56] 3. Ciaran McAuley & Clara Yates - Anything [Black Hole]
    [10:15] 4. Kayan Code & Lyd14 - Your Angel [Reason II Rise Music]
    [16:20] 5. Temple One - Magic Moment [Always Alive]
    [20:03] 6. Paul Ryan & Eryon Stocker - Back to Blue [Regenerate Records]
    [25:02] 7. Catchfire - The Light [State Vision] -World Premiere-
    [29:26] 8. Miikka L - Kiova [State Control Records]
    [34:11] 9. Ramin Arab - New World [ZYX Trance]
    [37:37] 10. Dave Oren - Not Music For The Masses [Full On 140 Records]
    ]41:44] 11. Dan Stone - I Need You [GO Music]
    [46:50] 12. Steve Dekay - Legacy [State Control Records] -Uplift Of The Week-
    [51:28] 13. CO1N & Darkingz - Mermaid's Tears [Aerodynamica Music]
    [58:53] 14. Craig Connelly & Paul Denton - Quantum Eraser [FSOE]

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