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    Uplifting Trance Sessions with DJ Phalanx (Trance Podcast)

    Uplifting Trance Sessions EP. 388 / 10.06.2018 on DI.FM

    10. Juni 2018

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    Fan vote Uplifting Trance Sessions EP. 388 www.djphalanx.com/votes1/ Choose your personal favorite. The winner will be aired on Uplifting Trance Sessions EP. 389. The votes will be open till 8th June 2018.

    [0:00] 1. Andski ? The 549 (Cyril Ryaz Remix) [Trance All-Stars]

    [4:19] 2. Xpectra ? Butterfly Effect (feat. Maria Fila) (Original Mix) [Fuzion Four Records]

    [8:16] 3. Sava ? Black Rainbow (Extended Mix) [Joyride Music]

    [12:23] 4. Sundancer ? eARTh (Extended Mix) [State Control Records] -World Premiere-

    [16:40] 5. Stargazers & Sue McLaren ? The Perfect Storm (Chris Element Rework) [CD-R]

    [21:46] 6. Chris Voro & Solar Caravan ? In Orbit (Original Mix) [Discover Records]

    [25:33] 7. Hiromori Aso ? Blink Dagger (Extended Mix) [Maratone Music]

    [29:43] 8. Avar ? Glaciers (tranzLift Emotional Remix) [Beyond The Stars Recordings]

    [35:13] 9. Divaiz ? Quiet Vision (Extended Mix) [State Control Records] -Fan Vote Winner-

    [39:56] 10. Fredd Moz ? When I feel Alone (Extended Mix) [State Control Records] -World Premiere / Uplift Of The Week-

    [44:40] 11. Dam Nicolosi ? Falling (Original Mix) [Emergent Skies]

    [50:05] 12. M3R-T ? Breathtaking (Kiyoi & Eky Remix) [Trancer Recordings]

    [55:33] 13. Sneijder & Nick Callaghan ? Absorb (Nicholson Remix) [CD-R]?

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