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    Uplifting Trance Sessions with DJ Phalanx (Trance Podcast)

    Uplifting Trance Sessions EP. 515 [22.11.2020]

    22. November 2020

    Nächste Episode

    ? Hello dear listeners, this is Uplifting Trance Sessions EP. 515 with the world premier of my new track called Skyfall! Join the show and enjoy the trip ?

    [0:00] 1. illitheas & Pedro Del Mar with Tiff Lacey ? Lightning [Abora Recordings]

    [7:17] 2. ReOrder & Jordan Tobias feat. Alexis Naylor ? After Tomorrow [A State Of Trance]

    [11:12] 3. Sholan ? Turning Back Time [Phoenix Recordings]

    [15:50] 4. Adip Kiyoi & Susie Ledge ? Wild Rose (Corrado Baggieri Remix) [Suanda Voice]

    [21:13] 5. Daniel Cesana ? Reunited [Ablazing Records]

    [26:46] 6. Sue McLaren & Philippe El Sisi ? Haunted 2020 [Amsterdam Trance Records]

    [31:49] 7. Manuel Rocca ? The Path To Home (HyperPhysics Remix) [Levitated Music]

    [36:55] 8. Dave Steward ? Machined Waters [State Control Records] -World Premiere-

    [41:08] 9. Escea ? World In Transition [Beyond The Stars Recordings]

    [45:15] 10. N-sKing ? Fantastic Moon [Trance All-Stars Records]

    [50:28] 11. DJ Phalanx ? Skyfall [State Control Records] -World Premiere / Uplift Of The Week-

    [55:48] 12. 2sher ? Phantom [Trance All-Stars Records]

    [59:37] 13. Paul Di White ? Great Strength [Entrancing Music]

    [1:04:43] 14. Allen Watts ? High Voltage [Who?s Afraid Of 138?!]

    [1:08:16] 15. Litchfield Project ? Synchrony (F.G. Noise Remix) [Metamorph Seismic]

    [1:12:54] 16. Cedric Lass ? The Hidden Side Of The Moon (Laura May Remix) [HQ Recordings]

    [1:17:42] 17. Costa Pantazis ? Forced Perspective [Metamorph Recordings]


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