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Hello dear #Trancefamily. Welcome to Uplifting Trance Sessions EP. 546.
New Episode, new serious trance music by DJ Phalanx, Shedona, Alex Di Stefano, Dan Thompson, Escea, David Forbes & more.
Join the show & enjoy the trip ?
[0:00] 1. Dan Thompson ? Equality [Metamorph Seismic]
[6:50] 2. Alpha025 ? Lockdown [Antima Music]
[10:39] 3. Luke Bond presents BOND ? Last Goodbye [A State Of Trance]
[15:18] 4. Solarstone ? Seven Cities (Alex Di Stefano Remix) [Armada Captivating]
[21:24] 5. Tenishia & Ana Criado ? Ever True (Phillip J Remix) [Amsterdam Trance]
[27:28] 6. Rob Binner ? Foundation [Ablazing Records]
[31:25] 7. Victor Tayne ? Aeon [2Rock Recordings]
[36:19] 8. DJ Phalanx ? Rise [State Control Records]
[40:29] 9. Shedona ? Polkatorju [State Control Records] -World Premier / Uplift Of The Week-
[45:45] 10. Ryan K & Bryn Whiting ? Serendipity [Extrema Global Music]
[50:46] 11. Escea ? Away [State Control Records] -World Premier-
[54:56] 12. David Forbes ? Equator [Who?s Afraid Of 138?!]?
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