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Official Uplifting Trance Sessions Spotify Playlist: spoti.fi/3jyMmX0
[0:00] 1. Intro
[1:32] 2. Rank 1 - Airwave (Giuseppe Ottaviani Remix) [High Contrast]
[5:58] 3. Whiteout - Stay Focused [A State Of Trance]
[8:18] 4. Michael Milov, Sieber & Stavnstrup, Josie Sandfeld - Take Me [Suanda Voice]
[11:08] 5. Re:Locate, Simon Anthony & Sue McLaren - Distant Calls [Amsterdam Trance]
[14:23] 6. Michel Westerhoff - Shores of Heaven [Digital Society Recordings]
[19:25] 7. Metta & Glyde - Special Place [Fables]
[24:00] 8. Joss Langdon - Blood Black Nothingness [Extrema Global Music]
[29:47] 9. Will Rees X Asteroid - Exhilarate [Afterdark]
[35:49] 10. DJ Phalanx & Myk Bee - Electrify [State Control Records] -Voted As Track Of The Week-
[40:58] 11. Tom Exo - Fairytales [Activate Recordings]
[46:14] 12. Paul Di White - Happy Future [State Soundscapes]
[50:50] 13. Photographer - Subway [Monster Force]
[56:52] 14. Michael Kaelios - Vigilante [Nocturnal Knights]
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