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Uplifting Trance Sessions EP. 646 with DJ Phalanx [04 JUN 2023]
4. Juni 2023
Nächste EpisodeOfficial Uplifting Trance Sessions Spotify Playlist: spoti.fi/3jyMmX0
Hello Trancefamily, willkommen, welcome, bienvenidos to Uplifting Trance Sessions EP. 646.
I am DJ Phalanx and I am here to let you forget your daily drouble.
This week you will hear the new DJ Phalanx and Myk Bee remix of 4 Strings - Take Me Away in the mix with new music by Alan Morris & Sarah Lynn, Calvin O'Commor, Scot Project, Jimmy Chou, Nord Horizon and many more.
For all tracklists download my Android App or visit djphalanx.com
And now Let The Music Speak.
[0:00] 1. Intro
[1:29] 2. Luca de Maas - Deep Station [Vectiva Recordings]
[6:37] 3. Spy - Ori [Alter Ego Records]
[11:01] 4. Nord Horizon - Time [Digital Society Recordings]
[15:49] 5. Jimmy Chou & Saphron & Hardcode - Where The River Meets The Sea [Abora]
[20:17] 6. Fawzy with Jeff Rush - Equilibrium (Artena Remix) [State Soundscapes] *World Premiere*
[24:51] 7. Alan Morris & Sarah Lynn - Take Me On A Journey [Amsterdam Trance]
[29:58] 8. Nikos Geladis - Amor Vincit Omnia [State Control Records] *World Premiere*
[33:29] 9. ILYIN - Keep Moving [2Rock Recordings]
[38:10] 10. 4 Strings - Take Me Away (DJ Phalanx & Myk Bee 2K23) [CD-R] *World Premiere*
[44:02] 11. Calvin O'Commor - The Ninety [State Control Records] *World Premiere*
[49:03] 12. Whiteout - ADSR [Who's Afraid Of 138?!]
[51:08] 13. Fros7novA - Infinite [Aerodynamica Music]
[56:30] 14. Guava - New Horizons [Ablazing Records]
[1:01:48] 15. DJ Jordan - Creative Destruction (Scot Project Remix) [Sonaxx Records]
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