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Playliste Episode 245 - Happy New Year 2017
10 Waves Of You - "Round Window" / Get FREE here / Bandcamp / Amazon / iTunes / Spotify
D-Echo Project - "El Funky (Smooth Genestar Remix)" / Get FREE here / Bandcamp / Spotify
DeepWarmth - "Flashes of Light" / Get FREE here / Bandcamp
DRGBL5 - "Fog" / Get FREE here / Bandcamp
Edmahnd - "Within The Solar Winds" / Get FREE here / Bandcamp / Spotify
Fonogeri - "You On My Mind" / Jamendo / Amazon / iTunes / Spotify
Gridline - "Insomnia" / Get FREE here / Bandcamp
Giriu Dvasios - "Lijo" / Get FREE here / Bandcamp / Amazon / iTunes / Spotify
HiKE - "The Peak" / Get FREE here / Bandcamp
kate in space - "Lilt" / Jamendo / Spotify
Lab023 - "Profound Dub" / Get FREE here / Bandcamp
Linus & Eingrad - "Traumfahrt (feat. Celina de Torres") / Get FREE here / Amazon / iTunes
Maik Thomas - "Future City" / Jamendo / Bandcamp
Moz-303 - "Island in Ocean (feat. Make Me Sin)" / Get FREE here / Amazon / iTunes / Spotify
OuD!n13 - "Rain of Stars" / Bandcamp / Spotify
Vejopatis - "Ant Spinduliu" / Get FREE here / Bandcamp / iTunes / Spotify
Ich danke den Netlabels "Cold Fiction Music", "Cold Tear Records", "Cyan Music", "Deep X Recordings" ,"Broque.de", "Bumpfoot", dem "Kahvi Collective" und der Plattform "Jamendo.com" für die tolle Unterstützung bei dieser Episode!
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Home Page: xtrachill.de
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Please, dear listeners, support my guests by buying their music and/or with feedback. If you wanna support "XtraChill" with a donation, please use the PayPal button on the right side of my Home Page. Also, you can use the donation platform "Flattr". Thank you!
Die nächste Ausgabe von "XtraChill" erscheint am 15. Januar 2017!
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