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While a violent spring storm is passing outside the studio window, dear Andreas is sitting warm and toasty in front of his microphone to create this 342nd episode of "XtraChill" for you fans - today, on March 15, 2021. To give the second season finally a boost, the current playlist focuses again on two "threesomes", each with an interesting group topic. In addition, Andreas goes into the cover artwork of his guests, as well as the artistically designed theme images of "XtraChill" - and gives new listeners interesting information about his show!
Playliste Episode 342
Suncastle - "Gunbird" / Bandcamp / Amazon / Apple Music / Spotify
Tender H - "Long Beach" / Bandcamp / Amazon / Apple Music / Spotify
Girių Dvasios - "Visi (with Vikaija)" / Bandcamp / Amazon / Apple Music / Spotify
dubtommy - "Late Morning Dub" / Bandcamp / Spotify
Skey - "Forest Sunrise" / Get FREE here
Ae2 - "Winged Twilight" / Get FREE here
Time Rival - "Light Pollution" / Bandcamp / Amazon / Apple Music / Spotify
Phantom Network - "Hypercube" / Bandcamp / Spotify
Ich danke den (Net)Labels "Apnea", "Triplicate Records", "Groovecaffe", "Liminal Records", "Cold Tear Records" und "ODrex Music" für die tolle Unterstützung bei dieser Episode!
Themenbild: Dramatische Wolken über dem Swisttal nach dem kurzen Frühlingssturm, der während der Aufnahme vor dem Studiofenster tobte; März 2021 - Foto: A.A.
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eMail: info (at) xtrachill (dot) de
Home Page: xtrachill.de
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Please, dear listeners, support my guests by buying their music and/or with feedback. If you wanna support "XtraChill" with a donation, please use the PayPal button ("Spenden") on my Home Page at the end of each entry. Thank you!
Die nächste Ausgabe erscheint kurz vor Ostern am 01. April 2021!
Bis zum nächsten Mal, hier bei "XtraChill"!
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