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ACHTUNG: Aufruf zur Mitarbeit! Für den Sommer ist eine Neuauflage der "XL-Summer-Special-Trilogie" geplant und eine der drei Folgen soll von Euch Hörern gestaltet werden. Schreib eine eMail mit Eurem favorisierten "XtraChill"-Künstler und benennt ein podsafes Stück, das ihr gerne in der Show hören möchtet. Gerne dürft ihr auch eine kleine Moderation (auf Deutsch oder Englisch) mitschicken und den Track selbst ansagen. Anmeldeschluss ist der 15. Juni 2021!
Viel Spaß bei dieser tollen "XtraChill"-Geburtstagssause!
Today, on May 15th, 2021, it will be the fifteenth anniversary of the birth of my little music podcast! Unfortunately, the party atmosphere is also falling victim to the pandemic this year - but dear Andreas does not allow himself to be dragged down and still celebrates! Because incidences do not play a role in virtual space. And so, in this very special episode, fourteen guests will bump up with their music in the podcast studio. That alone is something special, in addition, the division of the tracks is different today than usual and there is a special goodie on top: this 346th episode of "XtraChill" is being produced for the first time with a higher bit rate of 192 kBit!
ATTENTION: Call for cooperation! A new edition of the "XL Summer Special Trilogy" is planned for the summer and one of the three episodes should be designed by you listeners. Write an eMail with your favorite "XtraChill" artist and name a podsafes piece that you would like to hear on the show. You are also welcome to send a short moderation (in german or english) and announce the track yourself. Deadline is June 15th, 2021!
Have fun at this great "XtraChill" birthday party!
Playliste Episode 346 - Happy Birthday, "XtraChill"!
Vėjopatis - "Saules Seklos" / Bandcamp / Amazon / Apple Music / Spotify
Girių Dvasios - "Medis" / Bandcamp / Amazon / Apple Music / Spotify
Silentwave - "Desert Sunrise" / Bandcamp
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