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    Djtoto goes Mainstage House 2024

    21. Februar 2024

    Nächste Episode
    Hello, dear music fans! I have mixed you a new playlist with Mainstream House. What is Mainstream House, you ask? Mainstream House is a form of electronic dance music that is characterized by catchy melodies, powerful beats and high energy. Mainstream House is often inspired by other genres such as Pop, Rock or Hip-Hop and has many influences from the EDM scene. Mainstream House is ideal for large festivals, clubs or parties, where people want to dance and have fun. Mainstream House is also very popular with many well-known DJs, who regularly perform on the mainstages of the world. Some examples of Mainstage DJs are [Thomas Gold]

    Or you can just listen to my playlist and let yourself be carried away by the sounds. I hope you have a lot of fun with my Mainstream House playlist. See you next time, your DJ Toto!

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