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    Djtoto goes Techno & Melodic Vol 3 2024

    23. Februar 2024

    Nächste Episode
    I've created a new mix for you that combines techno and melodic music, two subgenres of electronic music that differ in their timbres, structure and mood

    Techno is a musical style that developed in Detroit in the 1980s and is characterized by a strong rhythm, simple harmony and high performance Techno is often played in clubs and parties and has a high level of energy and beat

    Melodic is a subset of techno that has a stronger influence from trance music1. Melodic Techno places more emphasis on melodic progressions than standard Techno1. It has a slower tempo than trance, usually between 120-125 BPM, and softer percussion inspired by minimal techno

    I would be happy if you continued to support me as you have done all these years.

    Your DJTOTO

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