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    Djtoto goes Trance Vol 1 2024

    25. Februar 2024

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    But what exactly is trance? Trance is an electronic music style characterized by fast, driving and melodic sounds. Trance is intended to put the listener into a hypnotic state in which they can completely surrender to the music.

    Trance has its roots in the 1970s, when bands like Kraftwerk experimented with synthesizers. In the 1990s, trance became one of the most popular genres of electronic dance music. Today there are many different styles and subgenres of trance, such as progressive trance, psytrance or uplifting trance.

    Trance is a versatile and fascinating form of music that is sure to delight you. So let?s waste no time and dive into the mix. Have fun with DJ Toto goes Trance!

    I would be happy if you continued to support me as you have done all these years.

    Your DJTOTO

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