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    Djtoto Present Classic Revibes

    20. Mai 2024

    Nächste Episode
    Hello folks,

    The time has come ? I?m so excited to introduce you to my latest mix ?DJ Toto Present: Classic Revibes?. This project is particularly close to my heart because it combines the timeless classics we all love with a fresh and vibrant sound that brings them into the present.

    I've put together 30 tracks for you that not only flow seamlessly into one another, but also show a whole new side of the songs that have shaped our lives. Included are revibs from legends like Bob Marley with "Could You Be Loved", Peter Gabriel with "Sledgehammer", Double's "The Captain Of Her Heart" and Bill Withers' "Lovely Day" - all masterfully remixed by Dario Caminita.

    Each track has been selected and edited with the greatest care and respect for the original to offer you a unique listening experience. I invite you to sit back, relax and enjoy this classic in a new light.

    This mix is ??my art of saying thank you - for your support, your passion and the musical journeys we have experienced together so far. Let's reminisce together and at the same time discover new musical horizons.

    I can?t wait for you to hear ?Classic Revibes? and I?m excited to hear your reactions. Let's carry on the love of music and fill the future with beats that touch our hearts.

    Your DJ Toto

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