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    Djtoto goes Techno & Melodic Vol 8 2024

    13. Mai 2024

    Nächste Episode
    Hello dear music lovers! ?

    I am happy to introduce you to my latest mix: ?Djtoto goes Techno & Melodic Vol 8 2024?. This mix contains a carefully selected selection of tracks that will take you into an electronic sound world. Here are some of the highlights:

    Adriatique, Eynka ? Beyond Us (Extended Hatshepsut Version)

    Alex Wann Remix

    Alex Stein ? Delusion (Original Mix)

    Audiofire (UK) ? Polarized (Extended Mix)

    Boris Brejcha ? Terminal Zero (Original Mix)

    I hope you feel the pulsating beats and the deep bass. Have fun while listening! I am very happy about your support and likes. ??

    Your Djtoto ?

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