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    Painting on Glass - The Markus Zosel Music Podcast

    #34 – Face to face with THE QUEEN OF HEARTS

    11. Juni 2022

    Nächste Episode

    Welcome back. Today’s episode is about a playing card, you know. But on the other hand »Queen of Hearts« is also the title of a poem by an old friend of mine that took me by all means, it struck me! So that I had to sit down and write a song about it. That was many a year ago, Lord.

    It turned out to be no simple song but one that characterised the new Band in 1999 and in years to follow until we split apart. This song was the red line in every program we played live and has still remained a special song to me - until today. Let’s give it a listen!

    More information on Markus' current work and writing:



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