"Painting on Glass - The Markus Zosel Music Podcast

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    Painting on Glass - The Markus Zosel Music Podcast

    • As I told you in episode 73 0f this podcast I got an invitation to the US Sunshine State of California for May this year: The induction into the Akademia Hall of Fame in the songwriter genre. Wonderful. I was expected to be there in person. So I did. I booked my flight and started a remarkable adventure.

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    • 74.

      This episode is about the wind. So just grab all of your interest and come along for the next couple of minutes with me now!

      More information on the work of Markus Zosel:



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    • Last August MARKUS ZOSEL received an invitation to Los Angeles, California and was announced as on of the inductees into the "Akademia Hall of Fame" in May of 2024.

      He shares all the wonder of these moments and even the decision whether to go there - or not - in this episode with his listeners. Join in and be close to a real life songwriter of its own and unique kind.

      For more information on the work of MARKUS ZOSEL:



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    • Don’t be afraid of making mistakes - they might be helpful from time to time. That is the topic of the new episode with awarded singer- and songwriter Markus Zosel. Take part in his way to look at things al within the sphere of creativity and also being so much human the same way. Enjoy 10 min utes inside his studio.

      The song chosen for this episode is: "Running to Know" and it is taken from the current album THE KASSEL SESSIONS (2024)

      Further information:



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    • I can tell you - I’ve been a stargazer for all my life. I’ve always been kept by the beauty of the cold and silvery light of the stars and I learned to tell them apart - in some cases. 

      I’ve also wondered why I did. But it always felt good with the night wind in my hair and these lights up above. That is why I wrote this song which I first published in 2015.

      I hope you'll enjoy this episode.

      Further information on the artist's official website:



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    • Today we’re about to take a closer look at the song »Phantom Love« from the current album THE KASSEL SESSIONS. 

      Let’s see what we can find out about it and maybe we’ll meet ourselves in there - who knows?

      Find more information about there artist on his official website:



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    • 69.

      On January 8th I had the pleasure to publish the new album »The Kassel Sessions«. This episode will be dealing with the music of it for the first time.

      And I’d like to invite and to encourage you to follow this podcast on Podigee or wherever you listen to this show. 

      It would help a lot to spread this Music Podcast of mine on a wider range and make it more familiar to people who’ve never joined in before. Let’s give them a change to also be a part of it.

      Thank you so much and God Bless.

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    • 68.

      From time to time I do wonder how all of this started: an eleven year old with a guitar he learned to play. And all of a sudden there was the need to write, to express very own thoughts and a frame of mind that began to look out for a world that seemed to be waiting somewhere out there in the unknown. That boy worked hard and tried to share all of the ways that seemed possible to him and out of his passion for marine biology came a much greater passion for music and the word on a blank page that longed for being sung or being written down between all of the pages of a book that also came from his hands.

      And somehow there have always been those who listen to his songs or read the pages he had filled with words. That is so amazing and wonderful and also hard to explain - it really is?

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    • Today’s show might arouse the interest of the musician - als well as the interest of the writer. 

      So let me take you there. All you have to do is ease back and enjoy. 


      Find more information on Markus Zosel on the official website:



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    • 66.
      2 Jan 2024

      Today is the day after New Year's Day and we're just about to start right into 2024. Let's have some thoughts on that.

      Thank you for being with me once again!

      More information:



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    Singer-Songwriter (for 32 years) and author (for 11 years) from the Northern part of Hesse in Germany. Awarded by the AKADEMIA in Los Angeles several times.
    Markus Zosel takes you into ?his study? while reflecting his work as a singer & songwriter and author.
    This podcast is like painting on glass while the light comes shining through.
    Markus has been awarded several times. In April 2020 he has been awarded with the ?Artist Vision Award? and in May 2021 with the ?Rising Star Award 2021? of the Akademia in L.A. for his current musical work. He is also the author of three novels and a collection of short stories in English language. Interested? You?re surely welcome to tune in!
    You?ll find his music on Apple Music, Spotify, Deezer, Amazon Music and all major outlets on the internet.
    Bei dieser Podcast-Serie handelt es sich um einen externen Inhalt. Diese Podcast-Serie ist kein offizielles Produkt von meinmusikpodcast.de. Äußerungen der Gesprächspartner und Moderatoren geben deren eigene Auffassungen wieder. meinmusikpodcast.de macht sich Äußerungen von Gesprächspartnern in Interviews und Diskussionen nicht zu eigen.

    Teile diese Serie mit deinen Freunden.

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