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    Painting on Glass - The Markus Zosel Music Podcast

    #68 – On Your Way to Me

    2. Februar 2024

    Nächste Episode

    From time to time I do wonder how all of this started: an eleven year old with a guitar he learned to play. And all of a sudden there was the need to write, to express very own thoughts and a frame of mind that began to look out for a world that seemed to be waiting somewhere out there in the unknown. That boy worked hard and tried to share all of the ways that seemed possible to him and out of his passion for marine biology came a much greater passion for music and the word on a blank page that longed for being sung or being written down between all of the pages of a book that also came from his hands.

    And somehow there have always been those who listen to his songs or read the pages he had filled with words. That is so amazing and wonderful and also hard to explain - it really is?

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