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Today is June 1st, 2020 - and we are all free - because it is Pentecost! Dear Andreas uses this german holiday to take a deep breath, because in a few weeks there will be a big move: the "XtraChill" studio will leave Bonn and set up its tents a few kilometers outside the city limits, in Andreas' hometown - which will close the circle after 27 years! But before that happens, episode 324 is on the program - and some tracks of it turned out more up- than downtempo! Have fun!
Playliste Episode 324
Heather Grey - "He Said" / Bandcamp / Amazon / Apple Music / Spotify
Kaan Elitok - "Bosphorus (Dott Santafeo RMX)" / Bandcamp / Spotify
Girių Dvasios - "Grazu" / Bandcamp / Amazon / Apple Music / Spotify
Flying Cobra - "Tyrian Purple" / Bandcamp / Spotify
Brioskj - "Perspective Change" / Bandcamp / Spotify
Maan - "Nunatak" / Bandcamp / Amazon / Apple Music
Survey Channel - "Bare Moon Polaris" / Bandcamp / Amazon / Apple Music / Spotify
Fonogeri - "My Flow" / Jamendo / Bandcamp /
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