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Just before the longest day of the year, dear Andreas is back with the 325th episode of "XtraChill" - on June 15, 2020! Your host enjoys the little break from packing the boxes and dives for you into the infinite depths of the free, podsafe music world. He came across a bulging treasure chest full of relaxing and stimulating tracks - and three of them were produced by women, which clearly proves that the electronica genre is not just male!
Playliste Episode 325
LoFiPøwder - "Farming" / Apple Music / Amazon / Spotify
BVSMV & Running in Slow Motion - "Faded Dream" / Bandcamp / Amazon / Apple Music / Spotify
Sanjib - "East Pole" / Bandcamp / Spotify
Tender H - "Through the Swamp" / Bandcamp / Amazon / Apple Music / Spotify
Alisú - "Soft Waves" / Get FREE here / Spotify
Ema Remedi - "Break" / Get FREE here / Spotify
Kinética - "Frontera" / Get FREE here / Spotify
Tim Susa - "Swan" / Get FREE here / Amazon / Apple Music / Spotify
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