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Now the days are getting shorter again: on July 1st, the year 2020 is half past - time to take a look back and listen to what has been on the virtual turntable of "XtraChill". Episode 326 celebrates the "Bergfest 2020" with ten artists and projects that have impressed with strong releases in the past six months. Look forward to a long music mix with which dear Andreas will herald the four-week summer break of his podcast. Happy summer to you all - and stay healthy!
Playliste Episode 326 - Bergfest 2020
Ancient Astronaut - "Free Floating" / Bandcamp
Tender H - "FBH2" / Bandcamp / Amazon / Apple Music / Spotify
Smooth Genestar - "Coconut Lounge" / Get FREE here / Bandcamp
Marie W. Anders - "Summer Sun (Extended Version)" / Get FREE here
Swagger Thief - "This Will Pass" / Bandcamp / Amazon / Apple Music / Spotify
Niteffect - "Company of Others" / Get FREE here / Bandcamp
Mikael Fyrek - "Keres" / Bandcamp / Amazon / Apple Music / Spotify
Heavenchord - "Jasmin" / Bandcamp / Spotify
Time Rival - "Derecho" / Bandcamp / Amazon / Apple Music / Spotify
Fonogeri - "When it's Not Enough" / Jamendo / Amazon / Apple Music / Spotify
Ich danke den (Net)Labels "Spclnch", "Aviary Bridge Records", "Broque", "Cyan Music", "Triplicate Records" und dem "Kahvi Collective" für die tolle Unterstützung bei dieser Episode!
Themenbild: Wieder ein Gerstenfeld, diesmal mit Blick auf das Dorf Morenhoven; Swisttal, Juni 2020 - Foto: A.J.S.
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Home Page: xtrachill.de
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Bitte unterstützt meine Gäste mit dem Kauf ihrer Musik und/oder mit Feedback. Wer "XtraChill" eine kleine Spende zukommen möchte, nutzt bitte den PayPal-Button auf meiner Home Page am Ende eines jeden Eintrages. Danke!
Please, dear listeners, support my guests by buying their music and/or with feedback. If you wanna support "XtraChill" with a donation, please use the PayPal button ("Spenden") on my Home Page at the end of each entry. Thank you!
Der "XtraChill"-Podcast macht Sommerpause: die nächste Ausgabe erscheint am 01. August 2020!
The "XtraChill" podcast takes a summer break: the next issue will be released on August 1st, 2020!
Bis zum nächsten Mal, hier bei "XtraChill"!
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